Think your cargo does not move? Cargo Always Moves!

Here are some basic principles/understanding of the mechanics of our oceans and how this influences the way in which a (cargo) vessel moves, and what effect this has on your container and the cargo inside this container.

Even though at a glance an ocean may appear flat, it is anything but. Wave action, currents, and wind all influence the movement of a ship and as a result the movement of your cargo.

Heave, sway, surge, roll, pitch and yaw. Movement is not just forward and reverse, but up and down, side to side and even heaving into the air!

Pitch; up and down motion of vessel. Characterized by rising and falling of the bow and stern.

Yaw; spins the ship like swivelling on a chair. Caused by waves moving perpendicular to motion of vessel. Can change heading or direction of vessel.

Roll; tilting from side to side. Wind and waves pushing against the vessel, causing it to rock back and forth.

Heave; up and down motion of a vessel, caused by large swells heaving a vessel vertically on the crest and throughs of waves.

Sway; sliding motion caused by the hull of the vessel being pushed by wind or current.

Surge; larger swells following a vessel pushing it forward, impacting the front to back motion of the vessel.

In the video you only see one of these moves and its effect on a container. Now imagine this happening in all directions I just described and tens of thousands of times during one ocean journey. Still believe your unsecured, but “snug” or “too heavy to move” cargo does not move?

Always secure your cargo. It can be done quick and cost-effectively.